School Info
2700 Ferney
Dearborn, Michigan 48120
Susan Stanley
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
2700 Ferney
Dearborn, Michigan 48120
Susan Stanley
May 19, 2022 Greetings Dearborn families, The district nursing team wanted to provide a brief update on Covid-19 in the community. Covid-19 transmission levels have increased in Wayne County. Our county went from a low-level rating to a high-level...
For the incoming 6th grade class for the 22-23 school year, STEM will keep the traditional entry criteria for 45 out of 60 available seats thru a lottery based on meeting the below criteria: NWEA READING - 8OTH Percentile = 223NWEA MATH - 80TH Percentile = 232 For the...
Dearborn Public Schools Parent University is returning with two sessions on April 22 and 29. This program is FREE to children ages six months to preschool and a parent or caregiver. The program will be held at five locations throughout the district. Sessions will...
Dearborn Public Schools Parent University is returning with two sessions on April 22 and 29. This program is FREE to children ages six months to preschool and a parent or caregiver. The program will be held at five locations throughout the district. Sessions will...
Dearborn Public Schools Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) will start distributing applications on Friday, April 8 for the 2022-23 school year. GSRP is a state-funded preschool program students can participate in at no cost to eligible families. To be...
Dec. 8, 10:30 p.m. – Salina Intermediate and Salina Elementary have power. School will be open on Thursday, December 9th.
Covid Vaccine is available tomorrow at Salina Intermediate.
Dearborn Public Schools is again taking applications for its Great Start Readiness Program for this fall after recently receiving permission from the state to expand the free preschool program. GSRP is a state-funded preschool program students can participate in at no...
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