School Info
2700 Ferney
Dearborn, Michigan 48120
Susan Stanley
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
2700 Ferney
Dearborn, Michigan 48120
Susan Stanley
Salina Elementary Update: The Salina Elementary summer school program will take place at Salina Elementary on Tuesday, July 13th. The Summer School program will start at 9:00 AM. Breakfast for students in the summer school program begins at 8:45 AM.
Students attending the Salina Elementary Summer School Program will report to Salina Intermediate on Monday, July 12th.
June 8 is deadline to transfer into online learning for next year Are you ready (maybe more than ready) for your child to start the new school year in full-time face-to-face classes? Us too! If you think online only-learning is the better fit for your child and...
Thanks to Jomana Saad for providing these instructions.
Students and Parents will be using Schoology as the place to start. Students can log in being Monday morning. (Parent accounts will be coming soon).
Students can now place a hold on a book from the media center and pick it up outside the school on Thursdays between 11:00 and 2:00 beginning this week.Here is a video that explains how to do that....
Scholastic is offering some great learning resources that usually cost lots of money for free during our school shutdown. Enjoy! You will need to create a free account for some...
ToYoung_5_Kindergarten To find out about Young Fives at Salina, Click on the link above.
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